Saturday, August 16, 2008

A Prayer for Ukraine...

During these Olympics, our family has been cheering for the United States and for Ukraine. It reminds us to pray for Ukraine, esp. w/ instability at their border near Georgia. One of our favorite songs in Ukraine was, "Молитва за Україну - A Prayer for Ukraine". I tried to find a good rendition of it on You Tube with no success. Do any of you have one? The words are:

A Prayer for Ukraine
May my prayer go
To you like the aroma of incense
And the heart drawn without ceasing
Into your glorious heavenly temple

God, I pray for Ukraine
God, I pray for its people
May you forgive them
May you save them
And show us your mercy

God, I know you are going to be with us
In your temple under the heavens
You gifted us with your joy and peace
You gave your life for the people
You inscribed us in the Book of Life

In your Living Word
You laid out the vision for life
So that all the people would pray to God
To the one who died for them on the cross

Молитва за Україну
Моя молитва нехай лине
До Тебе, наче фіміам.
І серце лине без зупину
В чудовий Твій небесний храм.

Боже, я молю за Україну,
Боже, молю тебе за людей,
Ти їх прости,
Ти їх спаси,
І милість Твою нам яви.
Боже, я знаю,
Що Ти будеш з нами
В храмі Твоєму під небесами
Радість і мир Ти дарував,
Життя для людей віддав,
В Книгу Життя нас записав!

В Своєму Слові Живому,
Ти для людей ведіння дав,
Щоб люди всі молились Богу,
Що на Хресті за нас вмирав.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Lake Tahoe...

We just returned from a short vacation in Lake Tahoe. It is famous for it's beautiful blues - it certainly is a slice of Heaven. Thanks Gen and Michael for the use of your cabin!

...a familiar language for your bumper, "Keep Tahoe Blue"(clean) - apparently Lake Tahoe and Lake Baikal in Siberia are partners: see the link

View the rest of our Tahoe Photo Album under our links.

To make our vacation even more perfect ...a stop in Sacramento to celebrate Ben's birthday with Bonnie's side - thanks everyone!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Ol' Friends...

The last 2 weeks have been filled with time with ol' friends from Ukraine. We spent a week in Michigan at SEND's annual conference enjoying reconnecting, and hearing reports from SEND's various fields all over the world, praying for them... and having fun in the 'Olympics'...

This is the динамo team representing Ukraine.
We also had 2 days of bliss vacationing with the Magwood family after the conference.

Then, guess who flew into town from Kyiv... the White family! James, Joseph, Ben and Josh grew up together in Ukraine and will probably be forever friends.

...all just in time for Ben's 15th birthday!