Saturday, July 19, 2008

Summer sports have ended...

Swimming lessons for Josh at Biola...

Josh has never had swimming lessons, so we signed him up with some school buddies in hopes that he would become a more confident swimmer. As you see worked!

Our 'Highlander' practicing...

We got an orientation to La Habra High School basketball during this summer league. Ben and his buddies sat on the bench most games but enjoyed them and practices anyway. His team lost only one game and played for championships in the weekend tournament, coming in 2nd.

It was a pretty wild championship game - 4 technicals! (2 on our team, 2 on the other) - the first was when one of the other team's players took a swing at one of our players became more and more interesting from that point on :). Apparently, if you came out for the summer league, you're on the freshman team for this coming year. Ben is still game and wants to go for it.

...some of the basketball fans: 2 good friends - Yvonne (missionary in Brazil), Janie (soon to go on a 2 week mission trip to Malawi).

...however mountain-biking has just begun for this guy. Thanks for the birthday $ everyone!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Still Clear!!!!

My CT scan was all clear with no sign of tumors still and my CA-15 (cancer count) is 12.5! - under 31 - still very much in the normal range. My doctor says that since I'm doing so well, he doesn't need to see me for 3 months. We're thanking the Lord again for His grace to us in this way - never forgetting that a year ago April, tumors were in my lungs, liver and bones and my CA-15 was over 200. Remember my verse from a year ago?
"You are my Shepherd; You gather me in Your arms and carry me close to Your heart, You gently lead me with my children." Isaiah 40:11.
It's been a hard year, yet filled with God's grace, holding us close to Himself and watching Him take care of Ben and Josh. Thank you, Jesus... we continue with You...

18 Miles and the "Pied Piper"...

Actually, right now I am sitting in Panera sipping a latte between doctor appts at City of Hope. I had a CT scan this morning, next is a blood panel, doctor appt and then my monthly infusion (with a nap). My doctor will have most of the results by the time I see him, so I'll let you know tomorrow how things went.

In the meantime, here are some photos of our church campout from last week in Mammoth. I must admit that I'm not the "camper". I don't like dirt or bugs much, but the fellowship was completely worth it, in fact I may be open to doing it again. Our highlights: besides the 3 speakers (1 being my husband :), the great fellowship - getting to know people better, the morning devotions with the small group of us who woke up, and watching Ben and Josh have so much fun.

Ben all of a sudden seems older and had a great time hanging out with the older youth. He even went on an 18 mile hike with them up a mountain.

Josh had a little following of pre-schoolers all week. He does amazingly well with younger kids and likes playing with them and they with him! Barefoot and dirty was their motto all week - loving every minute!

a cold dip at Rainbow Falls...