Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Tickets Bought...

We're looking forward to our summer plans. July 20th we fly out of Orange County - in Amsterdam - Mark goes on to Belgium - Ben, Josh and I go on to Ukraine. (Mark will be in Ukraine in October). Mark will be doing research in Leuven at the seminary where he taught every year for 2 weeks when we were missionaries. This is the beginning of his 7th semester sabbatical. Josh and I will be in Ukraine for 10 days, then leave Ben at a Christian camp in Sumy, Ukraine where our SEND missionaries, the Paetkaus minister. He'll help out for 2 1/2 weeks or so. Meanwhile, Josh and I will join Mark in Belgium. Then we'll all meet up in Prague at our dear friends' the Dagens - missionaries. Ben and Josh will then go to an MK camp with the Dagen daughters for 5 days in Czech Rep - a camp connected with their International Church in Prague. We parents will hang out and sip coffee :). We depart for America on Aug 23rd. It pays to have been missionaries - you have connections around the world!